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    Saturday, October 24, 2020

    Tank Mechanic Simulator Development Status #98

    Tank Mechanic Simulator Development Status #98

    Development Status #98

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    Dear Mechanics,

    welcome to our ninety-eighth development status update.

    We are steadily progressing with task of adding the modding support/tools. This week we have reached another milestone, that allows the game to load custom collectable objects - this will come in handy when a custom tank requires some machine gun or props from a country that our game not yet has officially added.

    Code update
    The game now has all of its collectables as external files, located in StreamingAssets folder, called MetalObjects. Here players will be able to put their own models that they want to gather during Extraction missions.

    Below is example of how a folder with one of the collectables look like and its items:

    • .json file with the config for the object, so the game can correctly understand what this object is and what are its properties
    • .png file for the texture/icon that will be shown in various places ingame, for instance in collectables shop
    • .bundle file for the loadable object itself, in UnityEngine called prefab. This gets loaded when the game demands it, only when it needs to be spawned (no reason to keep this loaded at all times, as our game already takes too much memory in our opinion :( )

    In next dev statuswe will show the same system/framework but focused for the ammuniton for tanks, so modders that want to add their tanks can also use their ammunition models, and the game will know how to handle them (load when required, put it into tank ammo storage etc.).

    Art progress

    This week we have an update regarding the IS-2 development. Grab few screenshots from our modeller, shout out to him, nice work!

    We will keep you updated, as we are coming to a point where all our effort is starting to be connected, and will be soon put to internal tests.

    Thanks for all the support and have a good day,

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