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    Friday, December 18, 2020

    Tank Mechanic Simulator Development Status #101

    Tank Mechanic Simulator Development Status #101

    Development Status #101

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:22 AM PST

    Dear Mechanics,

    welcome to our 101st development status update.

    We would like to show you what has been done during past months and what is still left to do before the 1.2.0 patch release.

    What has been done so far

    Tank Merging

    One of the biggest tasks of this patch was to throw away the need to create two separate tank prefabs. We were using prefab for Workshop (repairing) and for Test Drive (with support for Proving Grounds). What is prefab? We store every informations about every each tank or vehicle in prefabs. Prefab contain all needed visuals like references to models, materials, textures, animations and of course all logic - configurations to make it all works. We have also finalized all of the new systems that are required for the new damage system to work correctly.

    Each tank is now being merged, to be up to the task, that means fixing all bugs that have been reported up to now by you guys. Mostly issues with wrong configurations and other minor stuff/errors. We are also extending the tank models a bit. We plan to rework old tank models completely later next year. For example adding more details to the interiors so old ones will be as good as the new ones coming.

    For example, here is M4A3E8 Sherman with little modification that was required to add the ammo:

    And tank flamable elements are also now configured to be able to explode or start fire:

    Additionally, we take a look at each tank's suspension settings, drive speed and other factors for Test Drive are reworked and fixed - according to your suggestions. Most of the time the biggest problem was wrong setup of forces/joints that were too weak and the tank just "sat" down immidiately.

    As last note, each tank has now configuration of it's armour - angles and depth are in millimetres. With this feature the calculations for damage system on Extraction missions are correct. Each damage generated has to be consistent with the period of battlefront on which given tank was used. For example PzKpfw II Ausf. C won't be destroyed by M26 Pershing or IS-2.

    Here are few screens how does it look for PzKpfw III Ausf. M:

    Features we are working on

    Tank Creator

    Development of Tank Creator Editor package enters into pre-final stage. Currently, after subscribing Test Tank from Steam Workshop, custom model is available for contracts, and it can be interacted in many ways in Workshop like assembly, disassembly of the elements, de-rusting, painting etc. At this moment, we are working with implementation of Test Drive module for custom tanks made.

    Tank Warehouse

    We were working on creating new room for tanks and vehicle as a storage place. We will add the possibility to unlock this room up to 100 times. Each room will store up to 6 vehicles. We are yet to decide if we will allow customizing this room. One customization shared across all the Tank Warehouses or customization per each of the room instance.

    Tank Warehouse room will be accessible by radial menu or by new UI in PC/Tablet(SystemDG) that we will add there - Tank Manager Panel. Each Tank Warehouse will have doors to next and previous room - if they are unlocked.

    Here is work in progress of how it will look:

    Tank Manager Panel

    This UI menu will be accessible through in-game PC/Tablet (only in Workshop scene). The menu will list all rooms, then each room will have its tank slots listed. Each slot will then have information about tank stationed there (empty or tank name/id). When player clicks on any tank on this list it will expand showing very basic informations about vehicle will be presented to the player with options to sell or replace.

    Sell is self explanatory, but replace will allow to move the tank between slots without the need to physical approach the vehicle - opening radial menu and then do the standard repositioning method.  But of course it will be also available. Also, through this menu player will be able to move between rooms without need to click through the doors.


    We can pick the welder up, and after picking it up we will add the mask appear in front of the player vision with different post process to also simulate having the mask on and well, you guess - welding :) The welder will work as simple as other tools, when aiming at the hole from a damage the game will detect the correct collision, and start shrinking the hole. We will show this in next Development Status.

    The damage itself, if not repaired, will not allow to assemble any part in it is range, so there won't be situations when there is a hole from a damage on tank hull, and tank part would hover over the hole.

    We have been thinking that we will not make the welder as a unlockable tool, it will be accessible by default in the game. If we would make it unlockable, then players after getting their tank from graveyard or from extraction would have to grind to get enough reputation to unlock the grinder and their tank would be unrepairable by then - here we would like to ask you about your opinion on this, do you think it would be correct to make the tool unlockable instead of always available?

    Movable Stairs

    We have returned to this feature again. Stairs will become movable and here is how it is going to work:
    • Player clicks on stairs
    • Stairs are attached to player, and become transparent
    • If the colour of the stairs is:
      • Red - player cannot put the stairs where is aiming at. If player uses right click the stairs get back to their original position (if available, it can be that the player is standing at the stairs original position)
      • Green - player can place the stairs where is aiming at
    • When re-entering the room the stairs should keep their position and rotation, but here's question for design - what if player moved the stairs very close to the tank, and then changed stationed tank to a bigger one, for example from PzKpfw III Ausf. M to PzKpfw VIII Maus? Should the stairs reposition themselves into safety automatically?

    Thanks for all the support and have a good weekend!

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