• Breaking News

    Friday, May 1, 2020

    Tank Mechanic Simulator Update 1.1.1 (Unstable) - Japanese translation

    Tank Mechanic Simulator Update 1.1.1 (Unstable) - Japanese translation

    Update 1.1.1 (Unstable) - Japanese translation

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    Dear Mechanics,

    we've uploaded next patch for the Unstable branch, version 1.1.1.

    If there are no major crashes or bugs, this version will be tomorrow switched to default branch.

    Please find attached change log below:


    • Japanese translation
    • A console command for players that have their Stug 40 G bugged (missing tracks/wheels and gun) - stay close to the bugged Stug, open console and type: "fix stug" without quotation marks
    • Waypoints for drone

    • Instead of input field in museum manager, player can now set ticket price by using a slider

    • Poster and flags from Steam workshop, now work correctly
    • Errors in shop menu, that caused few null reference exceptions etc.

    Thank you for all the bug reports, suggestions, reviews. Without your support this would not be possible.

    Thanks for all the support and have a good day,

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